April 12, 2009

Kitchen Facelift (or Disaster...)

Since this is what Ryan and I have been dealing with and will likely deal with over the next week or so, probably no posts for a little while. Can you spot: Ryan, the car jack holding up the cabinet, and a broom that clearly hasn't been used today?

Ryan and I ordered the pendant lights today that will hang above the countertop you see. They are from Wilmette Lighting and called Clark Pendant. My brother was kind enough to order them for us. Yea! Let me know what you think!


  1. Keep us posted on the "Custard Kitchen" progress. Speaking of custard, do you have a good recipe for a firm flan with carmel sauce? Mine always turns out softer than I get at restaurants.

  2. I do have a great flan recipe- ask Heather & Paul. It'll be up in the next week now that I have a functioning kitchen. :)
